PROgrama de METodos rIgurosos de DesarrollO de Software de la Comunidad de Madrid
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Alessandra Gorla Post-doctoral Researcher, Saarland University, Germany Improving the reliability of software systems using their intrinsic redundancy IMDEA Software Abril 28, 2014
Giordano Tamburrelli PhD Student, Universita della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland Models at run-time: open challenges and existing solutions IMDEA Software Marzo 21, 2014
Hazem Torfah PhD Student, Saarland University, Germany Counting Models of Linear-time Temporal Logic IMDEA Software Marzo 12, 2014
Domenico Bianculli Researcher, Universita della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland A Journey through Specification and Verification Techniques for Open-World Software IMDEA Software Marzo 11, 2014
Julia Rubin Researcher, Haifa Research Lab To Merge or Not to Merge: Managing Software Families IMDEA Software Marzo 6, 2014
Chris Parnin PhD Student, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Programmer, Interrupted IMDEA Software Febrero 24, 2014
Laura Titolo PhD Student, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA An Abstract Interpretation Framework for Diagnosis and Verification of Timed Concurrent Constraint Languages IMDEA Software Enero 16, 2014
Giovanni Bernardi Research Fellow, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland Using higher-order contracts to model session types IMDEA Software Enero 14, 2014
Carmela Troncoso Post-doctoral Researcher, Gradiant Bayesian inference to evaluate information leakage in complex scenarios IMDEA Software Enero 10, 2014
Alessandro Orso Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Automated Debugging: Are We There Yet? IMDEA Software Diciembre 18, 2013
Roberto Di Cosmo Professor, Universite Paris Diderot, Director IRILL The Aeolus approach to Cloud automation IMDEA Software Noviembre 26, 2013
Cesare Tinelli Professor, The University of Iowa, USA SMT-based Model Checking IMDEA Software Octubre 15, 2013
Gopal Gupta, Professor The University of Texas at Dallas, USA Logic, Coinduction and Infinite Computation IMDEA Software Septiembre 20, 2013
Neng-Fa Zhou, Professor Universidad Ciudad de Nueva York The Picat Language and System IMDEA Software Junio 17, 2013
Murdoch Gabbay Researcher, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh An informal survey of nominal techniques IMDEA Software Abril 24, 2013
Murdoch Gabbay Researcher, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh Denotation of Contextual Modal Type Theory IMDEA Software Abril 23, 2013
Michael Emmi Post-doctoral Researcher, LIAFA, Université Paris Diderot Concurrent Software Modeling and Analysis: Recursively Parallel Programs IMDEA Software Abril 19, 2013
Tudor Dumitras Symantec Research Labs (SRL) Improving System Security with Big Data Techniques IMDEA Software Abril 11, 2013
Philipp Leitner Post-doctoral Researcher, Vienna University of Technology, Austria Building Applications for the Infrastructure-as-a-Service Cloud with CloudScale IMDEA Software Abril 9, 2013
Jorge A. Navas Post-doctoral Researcher, The University of Melbourne, Australia Unbounded Model-Checking with Interpolation for Regular Language Constraints IMDEA Software Marzo 22, 2013
Johannes Kinder Post-doctoral Researcher, EPFL, Suiza Basing Trust in Applications on More Than Pure Faith IMDEA Software Marzo 15, 2013
Ivan Beschastnikh PhD Student, University of Washington, USA Modeling Systems from Logs of their Behavior IMDEA Software Marzo 12, 2013
Radu Iosif Researcher, VERIMAG/CNRS, Grenoble, Francía The Tree Width of Separation Logic with Recursive Definitions IMDEA Software Marzo 6, 2013
Anthony W. Lin Post-doctoral Researcher, U. of Oxford Reversal-bounded Acceleration of Counter Systems IMDEA Software Marzo 4, 2013
Dario Fiore Denotation of Contextual Modal Type Theory Denotation of Contextual Modal Type Theory IMDEA Software Febrero 22, 2013
Andrea Cerone PhD Student, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland Testing Wireless Networks IMDEA Software 9 Enero, 2013
Aleksandar Dimovski PhD Student, FON University, Macedonia Program Verification by Game Semantics: From Abstraction-Refinement to Symbolic Approach IMDEA Software 4 Enero, 2013
Vitor Santos Costa Associate Research Professor, University ofPorto, Portugal Learning with Prolog IMDEA Software 28 Noviembre, 2012
Derek Dreyer Assistant Research Professor (tenure-track), Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Germany Logical Relations for Fine-Grained Concurrency IMDEA Software 19 Noviembre 2012
Judith Bishop Researcher, Microsoft Research Microsoft research connecting to Labs and Academia IMDEA Software 16 Noviembre, 2012
Roberto Di Cosmo Professor, Universite Paris Diderot, Director IRILL Analysing co-installability of software components IMDEA Software 30 Octubre, 2012
Jan Reineke Assistant Professor, Saarland University, Germany Timing Analysis of Embedded Software for Platforms IMDEA Software 25 Octubre, 2012
Kathryn Francis PhD Student, The University of Melbourne, Australia Optimization modelling for software developers IMDEA Software 19 Octubre, 2012
Jérôme Feret Researcher, École Normale Supérieure, France Formal model reduction IMDEA Software 15 Octubre, 2012
Geoffrey Smith Associate Research Professor, Florida International University, USA Some Recent Results on Min-Entropy Leakage IMDEA Software 22 Junio, 2012
Diego Garbervetsky Professor, Universidad de Buenos Aires and CONICET, Argentina Quantitative analysis of Java/.Net like programs to understand heap memory requirements IMDEA Software 20 Junio, 2012
Geoffrey Smith Associate Research Professor, Florida International University, USA Measuring Information Leakage using Generalized Gain Functions IMDEA Software 13 Junio, 2012
Pietro Ferrara Post-doctoral Researcher, ETH Zurich, Switzerland TVLA and Value Analyses Together IMDEA Software 12 Junio, 2012
Mike Hicks Associate Research Professor, University of Maryland, USA Polymonads: reasoning and inference IMDEA Software 1 Junio, 2012
Mike Dodds Post-doctoral Researcher, University of Cambridge, UK Recovering Disjointness from Concurrent Sharing IMDEA Software 23 Mayo, 2012
Earl Barr Post-doctoral Researcher, University of California at Davis, USA On the Naturalness of Software (to appear at ICSE 2012) IMDEA Software 22 Mayo, 2012
Earl Barr Post-doctoral Researcher, University of California at Davis, USA Techniques and Tools for Engineering Robust Numerical Software IMDEA Software 18 Abril, 2012
Yuriy Brun Post-doctoral Researcher, University of Washington, USA Speculative Analysis: What's Wrong with the Program I Haven't Written Yet? IMDEA Software 12 Abril, 2012
Schmuel Mooly Sagiv Professor, Tel Aviv University, Israel COLT: Testing and Verifying Atomicity of Composed Operations IMDEA Software 26 Marzo, 2012
Neil Jones Professor, DIKU University of Copenhagen, Denmark Some remarks on the spectrum problem IMDEA Software 23 Marzo, 2012
Neil Jones Professor, DIKU University of Copenhagen, Denmark Kleenes Second Recursion Theorem (Work in Progress) IMDEA Software 21 Marzo, 2012
Neil Jones Professor, DIKU University of Copenhagen, Denmark Superlinear speedup (Work in Progress) IMDEA Software 14 Marzo, 2012
Markus Rabe PhD Student, Saarland University, Germany Temporal Information Flow IMDEA Software 13 Marzo, 2012
Neil Jones Professor, DIKU University of Copenhagen, Denmark PROGRAMS = DATA = FIRST-CLASS CITIZENS IN A COMPUTATIONAL WORLD IMDEA Software 7 Marzo, 2012
Neil Jones Professor, DIKU University of Copenhagen, Denmark Obfuscation by Partial Evaluation of Distorted Interpreters IMDEA Software 22 Febrero, 2012
Neil Jones Professor, DIKU University of Copenhagen, Denmark Introduction to partial evaluation IMDEA Software 14 Febrero, 2012
Antoine Miné Junior researcher, École Normale Supérieure, France AstréeA: A static analyzer for embedded multi-threaded C programs IMDEA Software 12 Diciembre, 2011
Misha Aizatulin PhD Student, Open University, UK Extracting and Verifying Cryptographic Models from C Protocol Code by Symbolic Execution IMDEA Software 24 Noviembre, 2011
Ivan Beschastnikh PhD candidate, University of Washington, USA Leveraging Existing Instrumentation to Automatically Infer Invariant-Constrained Models IMDEA Software 2 Noviembre, 2011
Matthieu Sozeau PhD Student, INRIA Rocquencourt, France First-Class Type Classes for programs and proofs IMDEA Software 20 Octubre, 2011
Dejan Kostic Assistant Professor, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Switzerland Online Testing of Deployed Federated and Heterogeneous Distributed Systems IMDEA Software 7 Octubre, 2011
Rodrigo Rodrigues Assistant Research Professor (tenure-track), Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Germany Gaining Customer Trust in Cloud Services with Excalibur IMDEA Software 12 Septiembre, 2011
Martin Wirsing (in cooperation with Matthias Hoelzl) Professor, Ludwig-Maximilians University of München, Germany Adaptation and Awareness in Ensembles IMDEA Software 12 Septiembre, 2011
Nazareno Aguirre Professor, Universidad Nacional de Río IV, Argentina Incorporating Coverage Criteria in Bounded Exhaustive Black Box Test Generation of Structural Inputs IMDEA Software 24 Junio, 2011
Reinhard Wilhelm Professor, University of Saarland, Germany Reasonable Mobility SkeletonsReasonable Mobility Skeletons IMDEA Software 20 Mayo, 2011
Giorgio Delzanno Associate Professor, Università di Genova, Italia Monotonic Approximations in Parameterized Verification IMDEA Software 28 Abril, 2011
Natasha Sharygina Assistant Professor, Universita della Svizzera Italiana (University of Lugano) Local proof transformations for flexible interpolation and proof reduction IMDEA Software 7 Abril, 2011
Pavithra Prabhakar PhD Student, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA Approximations for Verification of Cyber Physical Systems IMDEA Software 4 Abril, 2011
Doron Peled Professor, Bar Ilan University, Israel Knowledge based synthesis of control for distributed systems IMDEA Software 16 Marzo, 2011
Deepak Kapur Professor, University of New Mexico, USA Induction, Invariants, and Abstraction IMDEA Software 16 Marzo, 2011
Isil Dillig PhD Student, Stanford University, USA Precise and Fully-Automatic Verification of Container-Manipulating Programs IMDEA Software 15 Marzo, 2011
Thomas Dillig PhD Student, Stanford University, USA Program Paths Simplified: Scalable Path-Sensitive Analysis without Heuristics IMDEA Software 14 Marzo, 2011
Vijay Ganesh Postdoctoral Scholar, MIT Cambridge, MA, USA Solvers for Software Reliability and Security IMDEA Software 4 Marzo, 2011
Raul Santelices PhD Student, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Change-effects Analysis for Effective Testing and Validation of Evolving Software IMDEA Software 1 Marzo, 2011
Graham Steel Researcher, INRIA Rocquencourt, France Attacking and Fixing PKCS#11 Security Tokens IMDEA Software 22 Febrero, 2011
Vasu Singh Postdoctoral Scholar, Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Information flow: from practice to theory and back IMDEA Software 11 Febrero, 2011
Filip Pizlo PhD Student, Purdue University, Lafayette Indiana Fragmentation Tolerant Real Time Garbage Collection IMDEA Software 7 Febrero, 2011
David Basin Professor, ETH Zurich, Switzerland Policy Monitoring in First-order Temporal Logic IMDEA Software 18 Enero, 2011
Peter O'Hearn Professor, Queen Mary, London University On Separation, Session Types and Algebra IMDEA Software 1 Diciembre, 2010
Peter O'Hearn Professor, Queen Mary, London University Abductive, Deductive and Inductive Reasoning about Resources IMDEA Software 30 Noviembre, 2010
Francesco Zappa Researcher, INRIA Rocquencourt, France Shared memory, an elusive abstraction IMDEA Software 5 Noviembre, 2010
Kerstin Eder Researcher, Unversity of Bristol, UK Research in Design Automation and Verification at CS in Bristol IMDEA Software 21 Octubre, 2010
Jean-François Raskin Professor, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium Antichain Algorithms for Finite Automata IMDEA Software 5 Octubre, 2010
Julien Bertrane Researcher, Computer Science Departament, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Developing temporal abstract domains that prove the temporal specifications of reactive systems IMDEA Software Mayo 10, 2010
Ruy Ley-Wild Researcher, Computer Science Departament, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Programmable Self-Adjusting Computation IMDEA Software 3 Mayo, 2010
Xavier Rival Researcher, ENS Paris Shape analysis using separating shape graphs IMDEA Software 13 Abril, 2010
Emerson Murphy-Hill Researcher, University of British Columbia Programmer-Friendly Software Restructuring Tools IMDEA Software 6 Abril, 2010
Laurent Mauborgne Researcher, École Normale Supérieure, France Segmented Relations IMDEA Software 24 Marzo, 2010
Juan Caballero Researcher, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Binary Program Analysis and Model Extraction for Security Applications IMDEA Software 23 Marzo, 2010
Saurabh Srivastava PhD candidate, University of Maryland Satisfiability-based Program Reasoning and Synthesis IMDEA Software 22 Marzo, 2010
Zvonimir Rakamaric Researcher, University of British Columbia Modular Verification of Shared-Memory Concurrent System Software IMDEA Software 15 Marzo, 2010
Viktor Vafeiadis Researcher, University of Cambridge, UK Towards full verification of concurrent libraries IMDEA Software 12 Marzo, 2010
Alexander Malkis Researcher, University of Freiburg, Germany Declarative Construction of Web User Interfaces IMDEA Software 8 Marzo, 2010
Mark Marron Post-doctoral Researcher, IMDEA Software High-Level Heap Abstractions for Debugging Programs IMDEA Software 4 Marzo, 2010
Boris Köpf Researcher, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Saarbruecken, Germany Quantitative Information-Flow Analysis - Automation and Applications IMDEA Software 1 Marzo, 2010
Joshua Dunfield Researcher, McGill University, Montreal Verifying Functional Programs with Type Refinements IMDEA Software 24 Febrero, 2010
Sumit Gulwani Researcher, Microsoft, USA The Reachability-bound Problem IMDEA Software 26 Enero, 2010
Derek Dreyer Researcher, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Germany A Modal Logic for Equational Reasoning in ML-Like Languages IMDEA Software 26 Enero, 2010
Stan Rosenberg PhD candidate, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, USA Local reasoning for Java programs and its automation IMDEA Software 25 Enero, 2010
Thomas Wies Post-doctoral Researcher,Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Forward Analysis of Depth-Bounded Processes IMDEA Software 25 Enero, 2010
Ruzica Piskac PhD Student, EPFL, Switzerland Combining Theories with Shared Set Operations IMDEA Software 25 Enero, 2010
Sumit Gulwani Researcher, Microsoft, USA Dimensions in Program Synthesis IMDEA Software 25 Enero, 2010
Clara Benac Earle Universidad Politécnica de Madrid Panorámica del lenguaje de programación Erlang UCM 11 Mayo, 2011
Francisco Durán Universidad de Málaga Sobre la semántica de los lenguajes específicos de dominio en tiempo real UCM 1 Marzo, 2011
Roberyo Giacobacci Universitá degli Studi di Verona, Italia Abstract Interpretation and Code Protection UCM 1 Junio, 2010
Javier Esparza Technische Universität München,Alemania Análisis de Sistemas con Procesos Estocasticos UCM 13 Abril, 2010
Jesús Almendros Universidad de Almería Web Data and Declarative Programming UCM 15 Marzo, 2010
Neil Mitchell University of York, Reino Unido Finding functions from types UCM 16 Mayo, 2011
Konstatinos Sagonas Natinal Technical University of Athens, Grecia Using Static Analysis to Detect Type and Concurrency Errors in Erlang Programs UCM 16 Junio, 2010
Kostis Sagonas NTU Athens, Grecia Static Analysis to Detect Type and Concurrency Errors in Erlang Programs UCM 16 Junio, 2010
Pierre Ganty IMDEA Software, España Verification of systems with infinitely many states: underappproximations and overapproximations UCM 18 Enero, 2011
Marko van Eekelen Radboud University Nijmegen, Holanda Resource analysis using polinomial interpolation UCM 18 Mayo, 2011
Jens Palsberg Featherweight X10: a Core Calculus for Async-Finish Parallelism Resource analysis using polinomial interpolation UCM 18 Enero, 2010
Reinhard Wilhelm Universitat des Saarlandes, Alemania Timing Analysis and Timing Predictability UCM 10 Mayo, 2011
Rositsa Abrasheba Seton Hall U., New York Global Domination for Dummies, or Taming in Linear Time UCM 20 Mayo, 2011
Juan Puig Erlang Solutions Madrid Spring Erlounge UCM 30 Marzo, 2011
Clara Benac UPM Erlang Programming Language: An Overview UCM 11 Mayo, 2011
Clara Benac UPM Erlang Programming Language: An Overview UCM 11 Mayo, 2011
Daniele Genito Universidad de Salerno, Italia Connecting bilattices theory and fuzzy logic UCM 23 Noviembre, 2010
Rachid Echahed University of Grenoble, Francia Data-sructure Rewriting UCM 23 Junio, 2010
Prof. Roberto Giacobazzi U. Verona, Italia Análisis Estático y Protección de Código UCM 24 Mayo al 18 Junio, 2010
Herbert Kuchen Univ. Munster, Alemania E-Assessment of Proofs and Programs UCM 25 Junio, 2010
Luca Aceto Reykjavik University Iceland: Glaciers, Volcanoes and...Computer Science! UCM 25 Octubre, 2010
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