Program in Methods for the Development of Dependable, High-Quality, and Secure Software
(PROgrama en MÉtodos para el Desarrollo de Software Fiable, de Alta Calidad y Seguro)
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Talks & Events

Scientific events, partially of fully organised by the members of the Program

Seminars organised by the groups 30
  given by group members 8
  given by associated members 8
International conferences and workshops organised by the groups 8
Workshops for companies 4

Seminars organised by the groups

Reinhard Wilhelm Professor, University of Saarland, Germany Reasonable Mobility SkeletonsReasonable Mobility Skeletons IMDEA Software 20 Mayo, 2011
Giorgio Delzanno Associate Professor, Università di Genova, Italia Monotonic Approximations in Parameterized Verification IMDEA Software< 28 Abril, 2011
Natasha Sharygina Assistant Professor, Universita della Svizzera Italiana (University of Lugano) Local proof transformations for flexible interpolation and proof reduction IMDEA Software 7 Abril, 2011
Pavithra Prabhakar PhD Student, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, USA Approximations for Verification of Cyber Physical Systems IMDEA Software 4 Abril, 2011
Doron Peled Professor, Bar Ilan University, Israel Knowledge based synthesis of control for distributed systems IMDEA Software 16 Marzo, 2011
Deepak Kapur Professor, University of New Mexico, USA Induction, Invariants, and Abstraction IMDEA Software 16 Marzo, 2011/TD>
Isil Dillig PhD Student, Stanford University, USA Precise and Fully-Automatic Verification of Container-Manipulating Programs IMDEA Software 15 Marzo, 2011
Thomas Dillig PhD Student, Stanford University, USA Program Paths Simplified: Scalable Path-Sensitive Analysis without Heuristics IMDEA Software 14 Marzo, 2011
Vijay Ganesh Postdoctoral Scholar, MIT Cambridge, MA, USA Solvers for Software Reliability and Security IMDEA Software 4 Marzo, 2011
Raul Santelices PhD Student, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Change-effects Analysis for Effective Testing and Validation of Evolving Software IMDEA Software 1 Marzo, 2011
Graham Steel Researcher, INRIA Rocquencourt, France Attacking and Fixing PKCS#11 Security Tokens IMDEA Software 22 Febrero, 2011
Vasu Singh Postdoctoral Scholar, Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Information flow: from practice to theory and back IMDEA Software 11 Febrero, 2011
Filip Pizlo PhD Student, Purdue University, Lafayette Indiana Fragmentation Tolerant Real Time Garbage Collection IMDEA Software 7 Febrero, 2011
David Basin Professor, ETH Zurich, Switzerland Policy Monitoring in First-order Temporal Logic IMDEA Software 18 Enero, 2011
Peter O'Hearn Professor, Queen Mary, London University On Separation, Session Types and Algebra IMDEA Software 1 Diciembre, 2010
Peter O'Hearn Professor, Queen Mary, London University Abductive, Deductive and Inductive Reasoning about Resources IMDEA Software 30 Noviembre, 2010
Francesco Zappa Researcher, INRIA Rocquencourt, France Shared memory, an elusive abstraction IMDEA Software 5 Noviembre, 2010
Kerstin Eder Researcher, Unversity of Bristol, UK Research in Design Automation and Verification at CS in Bristol IMDEA Software 21 Octubre, 2010
Jean-François Raskin Professor, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium Antichain Algorithms for Finite Automata IMDEA Software 5 Octubre, 2010
Julien Bertrane Researcher, Computer Science Departament, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Developing temporal abstract domains that prove the temporal specifications of reactive systems IMDEA Software Mayo 10, 2010
Ruy Ley-Wild Researcher, Computer Science Departament, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Programmable Self-Adjusting Computation IMDEA Software 3 Mayo, 2010
Xavier Rival Researcher, ENS Paris Shape analysis using separating shape graphs IMDEA Software 13 Abril, 2010
Emerson Murphy-Hill Researcher, University of British Columbia Programmer-Friendly Software Restructuring Tools IMDEA Software 6 Abril, 2010
Laurent Mauborgne Researcher, École Normale Supérieure, France Segmented Relations IMDEA Software 24 Marzo, 2010
Juan Caballero Researcher, Carnegie Mellon University, USA Binary Program Analysis and Model Extraction for Security Applications IMDEA Software 23 Marzo, 2010
Saurabh Srivastava PhD candidate, University of Maryland Satisfiability-based Program Reasoning and Synthesis IMDEA Software 22 Marzo, 2010
Zvonimir Rakamaric Researcher, University of British Columbia Modular Verification of Shared-Memory Concurrent System Software IMDEA Software 15 Marzo, 2010
Viktor Vafeiadis Researcher, University of Cambridge, UK Towards full verification of concurrent libraries IMDEA Software 12 Marzo, 2010
Alexander Malkis Researcher, University of Freiburg, Germany Declarative Construction of Web User Interfaces IMDEA Software 8 Marzo, 2010
Mark Marron Post-doctoral Researcher, IMDEA Software High-Level Heap Abstractions for Debugging Programs IMDEA Software 4 Marzo, 2010
Boris Köpf Researcher, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Saarbruecken, Germany Quantitative Information-Flow Analysis - Automation and Applications IMDEA Software 1 March, 2010
Joshua Dunfield Researcher, McGill University, Montreal Verifying Functional Programs with Type Refinements IMDEA Software 24 Febrero, 2010
Sumit Gulwani Researcher, Microsoft, USA The Reachability-bound Problem IMDEA Software 26 Enero, 2010
Derek Dreyer Researcher, Max Planck Institute for Software Systems, Germany A Modal Logic for Equational Reasoning in ML-Like Languages IMDEA Software Enero 26, 2010
Stan Rosenberg PhD candidate, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, USA Local reasoning for Java programs and its automation IMDEA Software Enero 25, 2010
Thomas Wies Post-doctoral Researcher,Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Forward Analysis of Depth-Bounded Processes IMDEA Software Enero 25, 2010
Ruzica Piskac PhD Student, EPFL, Switzerland Combining Theories with Shared Set Operations IMDEA Software Enero 25, 2010
Sumit Gulwani Researcher, Microsoft, USA Dimensions in Program Synthesis IMDEA Software Enero 25, 2010

Congresos y Workshops Internacionales

Título Organizador Lugar Trabajos Participantes Fecha
ICCI 6th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics Juan José Moreno Navarro Los Angeles, EEUU 6   Julio 2007
Segundo Congreso Español de Informática CEDI Juan José Moreno Navarro (pdt. comité científico) Zaragoza     Septiembre 2007
Logical and Semantic Frameworks, with Applications --- LSFA'06 Christiano Braga Natal, Brasil 9 20 17 de septiembre, 2006
Logical and Semantic Frameworks, with Applications --- LSFA'06 Christiano Braga Natal, Brasil 9 20 17 de septiembre, 2006
Second Workshop on Software Engineering for Agent-oriented Systems (SEAS 2006 Carlos Lucena, Marcelo Blois, Ricardo Choren, Viviane Torres da Silva Florianópolis, SC, Brasil 11 30 16 de octubre, 2006
WFLP'06: 15th Workshop on Funcional and Logic Programming Francisco López Fraguas Facultad de Informática, UCM 14 36 16-17 noviembre, 2006
CALCO Tools Day -- 2nd Conference on Algebra and Coalgebra in Computer Science Narciso Martí Oliet Bergen, Noruega     20 de agosto, 2007
ICLP -- International Conference on Logic Programming Manuel Hermenegildo Seattle, WA, EEUU 25 (+17 posters) 120 17-20 agosto, 2006

Jornadas de presentación en empresas organizadas por los grupos

Manuel Clavel, Marina Egea y Viviane Torres da Silva El modelado y la validación de sistemas: el lenguaje UML con restricciones OCL. La herramienta MOVA INDRA Sistemas S.A Madrid 22 de febrero, 2006
Manuel Clavel, Marina Egea y Viviane Torres da Silv El modelado y la validación de sistemas: el lenguaje UML con restricciones OCL. La herramienta MOVA EADS (Military Air Systems Sensor and Weapon Integration - OPEM43) Munich, Alemania 25 de octubre, 2006
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